2023 Annual Conference

2023 Annual Conference


The Conference is one of our 30th Anniversary celebration events to be held this year.

Conference Theme: Engaged Research - Going Beyond Disciplinary Boundaries

Engaged research, particularly when applied to recommending solutions to contemporary issues or 'problems', can arguably benefit from cross disciplinary perspectives. For example, the application of new IT processes in organisations needs an understanding of the social, employment relations and financial issues involved in the change management process.

Papers for the conference are welcomed on the broad theme and the following sub-themes:

  • Justice and well-being at work

  • Horizontal communication in organisations

  • Working in cross-disciplinary teams in organisations

  • IT and communication for organisational change

  • Education for the business world

  • Theory and policy beyond disciplinary boundaries

Venue and dates

The Conference will be held on Thursday 16th and Friday 17th November in Sydney. It is hosted by the Australian College of Applied Professions at its Sydney campus. 

It will commence on the morning of the 16th and conclude on the afternoon of 17th November. A conference dinner (separate fee) will be held on the evening of 16th November.

Australian College of Applied Professions (Sydney Campus) 

Getting there and Accommodation

ACAP's Sydney campus is located at 255 Elizabeth Street (opposite Hyde Park) and easily accessible by public transport with Museum railway station nearby.

There are multiple accommodation options in the Sydney CBD close to the Conference venue at various price points. Two options with different price points close to the conference venue are: 

Hyde Park Inn (https://hydeparkinn.com.au/)

Criterion Hotel  (https://criterionhotel.net.au/criterion/)

For further information on transport connections in Sydney, visit the public transport Sydney site https://transportnsw.info/trip#/trip

ACAP Sydney Campus (Right) and Hyde Park Inn (Left) 

Keynote Speakers and Panel

Our Keynote Speakers are Professor Christopher Klopper, Dean, Australian College of Applied Professions and Michael Ingersoll, Assistant Commissioner, Large Market Strategy, Public Groups and International, Australian Taxation Office.

There will also be a Teaching and Learning Panel, chaired by Dr Louise Ingersoll, Director of Academic Program (Management and Human Resources) Western Sydney University, with the theme Research Informed Teaching and Learning in an AI world.  Panel members will include Karen Audley, Director, Learning Quality, Compliance and Accreditation Wentworth IHE, Gina Saliba, Associate Dean ACAP and Dr. Luke Bozzetto, Director of Master of Information Technology ACAP.

ACAP Sydney Campus

Call for Papers

Interested academics and practitioners wishing to present their research at the Conference are invited to submit abstracts of their work for the blind refereeing process. New researchers are especially encouraged.

Papers are welcome on all aspects of the conference theme and sub-themes. Papers on other topics are also welcome.

There are two Paper strands:

'Poster' Strand

This strand requires the submission of an abstract only. Abstracts should be approximately 300 words and should include reference to the objectives and methodology of the research. 

'Structured Research Note' Strand

This strand requires the submission of a detailed research note of between 1500-2000 words, plus an abstract of 100-150 words. Submissions for this strand are expected to include the following aspects: an overview of the issue; a review of the current research in the area; your research question and your research design and methodology; your research findings including limitations, and the practical benefits of your research. For more detailed advice please click here.

Completed submissions for the 'structured research note' strand should be emailed to info@apera.org.au by no later than 24th October 2023. 

Completed abstracts for the 'poster' strand should be submitted to info@apera.org.au by no later than 24th October 2023.

ACAP Sydney Campus

Register Now!

Registration is now open via Eventbrite at https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/apera-2023-annual-conference-tickets-733221885397?aff=oddtdtcreator

Registration Options and Fees

Members* - $200

Non-members - $400

Members Day rate* – $100 for one day only

Non members Day rate - $250 for one day only

Full time Research Students - $75 

Conference Dinner (optional) - $60 (include two glasses of wine/beer/soft drink and two course meal)

Please note that the Registration Fee includes the Conference Program and Book of Abstracts, but does not include the Conference Dinner (separate cost).

*To take advantage of the member registration fee if you are not currently a member, simply click onto the "Become a Member' button below, complete the online form and pay the $50 membership fee. Then register for the Conference later and pay the member rate.

Further Information and Enquiries

 For any general enquiries, please email Apera at: info@apera.org.au

This post will be regularly updated

ACAP Sydney Campus, view from Hyde Park