International Journal of Employment Studies



APERA’s journal, the International Journal of Employment Studies (IJES) is an international peer reviewed journal focusing on the dissemination of engaged research within the broader Asia-Pacific region, in the broadly defined area of employment.

Aims and Scope:

The International Journal of Employment Studies was established in 1993.

Originally mainly focused on issues relating to industrial relations and human resource management, the journal's focus has broadened over the years to take a much more inclusive approach to ‘employment’.

Our approach to employment includes issues relating to, for example:

  • The future employment of learners in their chosen professional field,

  • The work of professionals employed in

    • Caring professions such as social work, counselling and psychology,

    • Technology management, information systems, and interactive media,

    • Business and accounting

    • Criminology, justice and law

  • Communication, participation and involvement in organisations

  • Diversity and equal opportunity

  • Organisational change and people

  • Quality of working life

Within these areas, a particular focus in on engaged research in all its forms, for example:

· engagement with industry

· engagement with practitioners

· engagement with policy makers, both public and private

· engagement with learners

A stringent double-blind review of each paper is undertaken to ensure its relevance and validity.


The International Journal of Employment Studies is published twice yearly.


The IJES accepts two types of submissions; full articles and research notes

Full Articles:

Length is typically between 5,000 – 8,000 words including references. Please allow for 250 words per table and figure.

Research Notes:

Length is typically between 2,000 - 3,000 words including references, not including tables. Research notes may be either based on research findings or literature reviews. They should include an overview of the current literature relevant to the issue, your research question and methodology, your findings, and the contributions and limitations of your research.

Style guide (for both full articles and research notes):

The abstract should be approximately 150 words. 

The text should be in Time New Roman 12 point

All references in your manuscript must be formatted using the recognised Harvard style as outlined in the detailed guide below.  Please ensure you check all your citations for completeness, accuracy and consistency.

References to other publications in your text should be written as follows:

  • Single author: (Adams, 2006)

  • Two authors: (Adams and Brown, 2006)

  • Three or more authors: (Adams et al., 2006) Please note, 'et al' should always be written in italics.

  • A few other style points. These apply to both the main body of text and your final list of references.

  • When referring to pages in a publication, use 'p.(page number)' for a single page or 'pp.(page numbers)' to indicate a page range.

  • Page numbers should always be written out in full, e.g. 175-179, not 175-9.

  • Where a colon or dash appears in the title of an article or book chapter, the letter that follows that colon or dash should always be lower case.

  • When citing a work with multiple editors, use the abbreviation 'Ed.s'.

A list headed 'References' and comprising full details of all sources should be provided at the end of your paper. 

  • The list should contain only work you have cited in-text and should be in alphabetical order by first author's surname. All authors must be cited in full ( for multiple authors is only to be used in the text).  

  • For example: Jackson, S. E. & Schuler, R. S. (1995). Understanding human resource management in the context of organisations and their environment. Annual Review of Psychology, 46, 237-64.  

  • References retrieved electronically should include a link to the online source and the date on which this was accessed. 

Note: Artificial Intelligence usage in preparing manuscripts

Authors may ONLY use AI in their work to improve English expression, grammar, and spelling. Authors my NOT use AI for any other purpose, including the generation of original text and research.


Please submit all manuscripts to the Editor of the International Journal of Employment Studies by email to; Editor IJES



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